When “No Regrets Parenting” was published a couple years ago, the book became a bestseller, but one concept in particular in the book went “viral” : Between your child’s birth and her leaving for college, there are only 940 Saturdays. The New York Times titled their review of the book, “940 Saturdays and You’re Done.” Reader’s Digest named “940 Saturdays” their term of the month. Hundreds of bloggers began counting and chronicling the Saturdays of their families. Posters were created and sold on the internet by “famous quotes” companies. Celebrities weighed in on how they are spending their family Saturdays. Clearly, parents feel passionately about every precious moment with their kids.
Tomorrow, September 2, Random House Publishing will release my new “hybrid” activities guide and keepsake journal titled, of course, “940 Saturdays.” This really beautiful package is the perfect 2-in-1 solution to make each Saturday count: a hardcover journal, which includes a unique guide to kids’ developmental milestones; and a removable handbook with more than 1000 age-appropriate activities catered to every age and stage of childhood.
I hope the keepsake journal will inspire parents to chronicle for posterity what they saw and did, thought and felt with their kids, to savor these precious memories in the years to come. The activities handbook offers creative ideas to trigger parents’ imaginations and propel them to make each Saturday with their kids a memorable one. Imagine someday looking back with your kids at the entries you made when they were younger, reliving the highlights of their childhoods.
The journal/activities guide is available, as the saying goes, wherever fine books are sold, as well as online at all major sites. For more details, go to www.940Saturdays.com or www.harleyrotbart.com.