The days are long but the years are short. Make the memories everlasting.
For every family with kids, the updated and expanded edition of No Regrets Parenting is the essential, open-to-all, parenting guidebook, guaranteed to help parents find more—and better—time with their kids. No Regrets Parenting focuses on the simple truth that the long days of busy parenting race quickly by and, looking back someday, the years with kids will feel far too short.. No Regrets Parenting, Updated and Expanded Edition, helps parents readjust their perspectives and priorities to experience the joy and depth of parenting amidst the chaos and choreography of daily routines. Accompanying this timeless advice, I’ve added timely, updated content to address the ever-changing needs of today’s busy families, and brand new sections on “Parenting Young Adult Children” and “No Regrets Grandparenting.”
New Sections “Parenting Young Adult Children” and “No Regrets Grandparenting”
“Updated” is an understatement – in the first edition, a bestseller and parenting staple for the past 10 years – I wrote about kids using MySpace. MySpace?? So much has changed in so many areas of parenting that I hope you’ll agree the new edition is a must for today’s parents. AND, “Expanded” is also an understatement! With the brand new sections on parenting young adult children and on No Regrets Grandparenting, this book has 100s of ways of turning the long days and short years of parenting into cherished moments with your kids.
I hope you’ll take a look. Available TODAY at bookstores everywhere and, of course, online.