Before No Regrets Parenting, I wrote a book called Germ Proof Your Kids ( which continues to be a widely-read home reference book for parents and a resource for school administrators and school nurses.   This book retails for $29.99, and is invaluable at back-to-school time when germs are rampant, as well as for the upcoming cold and flu season.

I am giving away a signed copy of Germ Proof Your Kids to the next 10 people who buy my new No Regrets Parenting book. To receive your free, signed copy of Germ Proof Your Kids  (free shipping, of course), all you have to do is buy a copy of No Regrets Parenting either from a bookstore or online vendor and email proof of purchase (scanned receipt) to me at Purchase must be made on or after September 5, 2012. The offer will continue until all 10 books are given away. Include in your email a shipping address for your free Germ Proof Your Kids book.

Today’s best parenting advice, combined with today’s best kids’ health advice.  Hurry to take advantage of this unique giveaway.

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