I’m really thrilled about the coverage that No Regrets Parenting got in the March issue of Parents Magazine. The cover story (“Be and In-the-Moment Mom”), editor’s note (p 12), and 6 page book excerpt are all about No Regrets Parenting.
Here’s what Editor-in-Chief Dana Points wrote about the book:
“I’m making a point of holding hands with my kids more often, ever since I read Dr. Harley Rotbart’s new book, No Regrets Parenting (an excerpt is on page 78). Dr. Rotbart, a professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado and a member of Parents’ advisory board, really had my number with this one. The subtitle says it all: Turning Long Days and Short Years into Cherished Moments with Your Kids. I’ve seen how the years blow past at warp speed, to the point that I fear my hand-holding days are numbered. Our family has had lots of wonderful moments when we unplug (from the outside word, from devices) and tune in to each other, but those have in the past been overshadowed in my consciousness by the guilt I may feel for not being at every school field trip. Dr. Rotbart’s book turned my head around.”
Pick up the March issue of Parents Magazine for a sneak peak at No Regrets Parenting. The book is due on the store shelves on February 21, and can be pre-ordered online now for under $10. (Click the “buy now” link on this website)