Mother’s Day is around the corner. Be prepared, and be rewarded with free signed books! Read the Scary Mommy and NYT reviews linked below to see why No Regrets Parenting is the perfect Mother’s Day gift for yourself and all the moms on your list:
Scary Mommy: “Why did Dr. Rotbart’s message strike such a chord in me?”
NYT: “Dr. Rotbart’s book is something special”
The editor-in-chief of Parents magazine wrote: “Dr. Rotbart’s book turned my head around.” Read all the reviews by clicking the “Reviews” page on this website.
When you buy four (4) copies of the and Barnes and bestselling book, No Regrets Parenting, for all the moms on your gift list, I’ll send you a free signed copy of No Regrets Parenting for yourself; it’s that simple. Free shipping on the signed book, of course.
Here’s all you have to do: purchase four (4) copies of No Regrets Parenting in any bookstore or online (,, Send me an email ( or leave a comment in the “Contact” box on this website letting me know you bought the books, and I’ll give you a fax number to send a copy of your receipt confirming your purchase. As soon as I get the faxed receipt, I’ll send your free signed copy of No Regrets Parenting (did I mention free shipping of the free books?).
I’ll be giving away 100 free signed books between now and Mother’s Day. Don’t miss this great chance to give and to receive.